The Ladies and the Cities
Edith M Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and 1 more
Not Available
Time and Times and Half a Time
Dr Ida Fröhlich
The Exodus Story in the Wisdom of Solomon
Samuel Cheon
Disciples of the Beloved One
Jonathan York St John University and 1 more
The New Jerusalem Scroll from Qumran
Michael Chyutin
The Scrolls and the Scriptures
Stanley E McMaster Divinity College and 1 more
Turbulent Times?
James S Australian Catholic University and 2 more
Do You Not Remember?
Bruce Norman Fisk
On Scrolls, Artefacts and Intellectual Property
Timothy Lim
A Bibliography of Pseudepigrapha Research 1850-1999
Lorenzo Concordia University and 1 more
Bread, Wine, Walls and Scrolls
Magen Broshi
4Q Pesher Nahum
Gregory Doudna
Apocalyptic in History and Tradition
John University of Oxford and 1 more
The Epistle of Second Baruch
Mark Whitters
Knowing the End From the Beginning
Dr Lester L University of Hull and 1 more
The Antichrist Theme in the Intertestamental Period
GW Lorein
Negotiating Diaspora
Dr John MG University of Durham Barclay
Enochic Judaism
David R Jackson
New Directions in Qumran Studies
William John University of Bristol and 3 more
Scrolls, Scriptures and Early Christianity
Geza Vermes
The Mystical Texts
Philip Alexander
Chaos and the Son of Man
Rev Dr Andrew Angel
The Self-Understanding of the Dead Sea Scrolls Community
The Rev Dr Paul Swarup
The Serekh Texts
Sarianna Metso
The Parabiblical Texts
Daniel K Falk
A Time of Change
Yigal BarIlan University and 1 more
Determinism and Petitionary Prayer in John and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Dr Emmanuel O Tukasi
The Aramaic and Egyptian Legal Traditions at Elephantine
Alejandro F Botta
Jewish and Christian Scripture as Artifact and Canon
Dr Craig A Houston Baptist University and 1 more
Exile and Restoration Revisited
Gary N Knoppers
Visions and Eschatology
Dr Antonios Finitsis
This World and the World to Come
Professor Daniel M Gateway Seminary and 1 more
The "Whole Truth": Rethinking Retribution in the Book of Tobit
Dr Micah D Kiel
Discovering the Traditions of Prose Prayers in Early Jewish Literature
Dr Michael D Matlock
Judah Between East and West
Land or Earth?
Shizuka Uemura
The Testament of Job
Maria Haralambakis
Interpreting 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch
Gabriele University of Michigan and 1 more
Josephus' Interpretation of the Books of Samuel
Dr Senior Lecturer Michael BarIlan University and 1 more
Gabriele Boccaccini
The Body in Biblical, Christian and Jewish Texts
Professor Joan E Kings College London and 1 more
The Temple in Text and Tradition
Dr R Timothy Independent Scholar and 1 more
Dr Senior Lecturer Michael Avioz
Classifying the Aramaic Texts from Qumran
Dr John University of Edinburgh and 1 more
Edith M Humphrey
Vulnerability and Valour
Dr Jessica M University of Wales and 2 more
The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldview
Gleanings from the Caves
Dr Torleif Evangelical Lutheran University College and 2 more
Phinehas, the Sons of Zadok, and Melchizedek
Dr Dongshin Don Trinity Western University and 1 more
Colonial Education and Class Formation in Early Judaism
Rev Dr Royce M Victor
Dualism in Qumran
Dr Géza G Xeravits
Scribes and Their Remains
Dr Craig A Evans
The Early Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew
Isaac W Bradley University and 1 more
The Use and Function of Scripture in 1 Maccabees
Dr Dongbin Independant Scholar and 1 more
The Matriarchs in Genesis Rabbah
Dr Katie J Independent Scholar and 1 more
Abraham in Jewish and Early Christian Literature
Dr Sean A University of Glasgow and 1 more
Craig A Evans and 1 more
A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Volume 4
Dr Lester L Grabbe
A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Volume 3 The Maccabaean Revolt, Hasmonaean Rule, and Herod the Great (175-4 BCE)
Dongbin Choi
Legal Exegesis of Scripture in the Works of Josephus
Themes and Texts, Exodus and Beyond
Larry J Perkins
Redescribing Moral Agency in Sirach, 4QInstruction, and the Hodayot
Dr World Kim
Horizons of Ancestral Inheritance
Andrew B Perrin
Katherine Woolstenhulme
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